Holiday Cranberry Sauce Recipe

With a symphony of colorful ingredients like fresh cranberries, orange zest, and a touch of cinnamon, create a spectacular Holiday Cranberry Sauce recipe. The medley produces a rich mouthfeel that perfectly strikes a balance between acidic and sweet. This sauce, which gets its name from its main ingredient, cranberries, gives Christmas meals a flavor boost and turns every bite into a pleasant celebration of the season.

Holiday Cranberry Sauce Recipe Ingredients

  • Fresh Cranberries (12 ounces)
  • Granulated Sugar (1 cup)
  • Orange Zest (1 tablespoon)
  • Orange Juice (1/2 cup)
  • Ground Cinnamon (1/2 teaspoon)

How to make this recipe

  1. provide 12 ounces fresh cranberries to a pot to provide some festive color.
  2. Add one cup of granulated sugar gradually. Present the tangy charm of 1 tablespoon of orange zest, balancing the cranberries.
  3. Add 1/2 cup orange juice, allowing the zest to blend in and increase the sauce’s juiciness.
  4. Add a half teaspoon of ground cinnamon to enhance the flavor profile and add a hint of warmth.
  5. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring from time to time, until the cranberries pop and the sauce thickens, about 10 to 15 minutes.
  6. Let the sauce cool so that the flavors can combine. Enjoy this festive treat with your holiday meal and appreciate how the ideal harmony of acidity and sweetness characterizes this time of year.
  7. Enjoy the culinary symphony you’ve crafted!
Holiday Cranberry Sauce Recipe

Recipe Variations

  • Balsamic Berry Elegance: Use aged balsamic vinegar in place of orange juice to add refinement to your holiday cranberry sauce.
  • Citrus Delight Cranberry Sauce: To make your Holiday Cranberry Sauce more festive, replace the grapefruit zest with orange zest. The zesty grapefruit essence gives a distinct citrus touch that counteracts the tartness of the cranberries with a cool pop of flavor.
  • Maple Glazed Cranberry Elegance: Use pure maple syrup in place of granulated sugar to turn your cranberry sauce into a Maple Glazed Elegance.
  • Ginger Spice Infusion: Add a spicy kick to your cranberry sauce by substituting orange zest with freshly grated ginger. The Ginger Spice Infusion introduces a warming element, offering a delightful contrast to the tartness of cranberries.

What  to serve with Holiday Cranberry Sauce Recipe

  • Roasted Potatoes with Garlic and Rosemary: The savory taste of the garlic and rosemary complements the sweetness of the cranberry sauce. The potatoes are crispy and seasoned.
  • Citrus Herb Quinoa Salad: A zesty and light alternative to the heavy cranberry sauce is a refreshing citrus herb quinoa salad. The salad’s fresh herbs and vivid citrus flavors provide a burst of freshness and cleanse the palate, which improves the whole dining experience.
  • Tart with Caramelized Onions and Gruyere: This dish will add a delightful touch to your holiday spread since the creamy Gruyere cheese perfectly complements the sweet, caramelized onions.

How To Store This Recipe?

  1. In The Fridge: Refrigerate the sauce in an airtight container. It keeps well for up to a week, preserving its vibrant flavors.
  2. In The Freezer: For long-term storage, freeze the sauce in a sealed container. Thaw in the fridge before serving.
  3. To Reheat: To reheat, gently warm the sauce on the stove, stirring occasionally, until it reaches your desired temperature.

Holiday Cranberry Sauce Recipe Recipe Nutrition Facts

Total Fat: Negligible
Saturated Fat: None
Cholesterol: None
Sodium: Trace amounts
Total Carbohydrates: 250 grams
Dietary Fiber: 12 grams
Sugars: 220 grams
Protein: 1 gram
Vitamin C: 40 milligrams
Calcium: 30 milligrams
Iron: 1 milligram
Potassium: 300 milligrams

Try More Recipes:

Holiday Cranberry Sauce Recipe

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 5 minutesCook time: 15 minutesRest time: 15 minutesTotal time: 35 minutesServings:8 servingsCalories:Approximately 120 calories kcal Best Season:Available


With a symphony of colorful ingredients like fresh cranberries, orange zest, and a touch of cinnamon, create a spectacular Holiday Cranberry Sauce. The medley produces a rich mouthfeel that perfectly strikes a balance between acidic and sweet. This sauce, which gets its name from its main ingredient, cranberries, gives Christmas meals a flavor boost and turns every bite into a pleasant celebration of the season.



  1. provide 12 ounces fresh cranberries to a pot to provide some festive color.
  2. Add one cup of granulated sugar gradually. Present the tangy charm of 1 tablespoon of orange zest, balancing the cranberries.
  3. Add 1/2 cup orange juice, allowing the zest to blend in and increase the sauce’s juiciness.
  4. Add a half teaspoon of ground cinnamon to enhance the flavor profile and add a hint of warmth.
  5. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring from time to time, until the cranberries pop and the sauce thickens, about 10 to 15 minutes.
  6. Let the sauce cool so that the flavors can combine. Enjoy this festive treat with your holiday meal and appreciate how the ideal harmony of acidity and sweetness characterizes this time of year.
  7. Enjoy the culinary symphony you’ve crafted!
Keywords:Holiday Cranberry Sauce Recipe, Cranberry Sauce, Sauce Recipe, recipe, sauce, h, s

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